DMP is configurable with options in your file.

Typical Settings

Normally, your settings file should contain the following:

        'NAME': 'django_mako_plus',
        'BACKEND': 'django_mako_plus.MakoTemplates',
        'OPTIONS': {
        'NAME': 'django',
        'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
        'DIRS': [],
        'APP_DIRS': True,
        'OPTIONS': {
            'context_processors': [

All Available Settings

The following are the full list of available options. Each option is described in detail later in this document.

import os, shutil

# this dict of options is merged with the current project's TEMPLATES entry for DMP
    # the default app and page to render in Mako when the url is too short
    # if None (no default app), DMP will not capture short URLs
    'DEFAULT_APP': 'homepage',
    'DEFAULT_PAGE': 'index',

    # functions to automatically add variables to the params/context before templates are rendered
        'django.template.context_processors.static',            # adds "STATIC_URL" from
        'django.template.context_processors.debug',             # adds debug and sql_queries
        'django.template.context_processors.request',           # adds "request" object
        'django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth',          # adds "user" and "perms" objects
        'django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages',  # adds messages from the messages framework
        'django_mako_plus.context_processors.settings',         # adds "settings" dictionary

    # identifies where the Mako template cache will be stored, relative to each template directory
    'TEMPLATES_CACHE_DIR': '__dmpcache__',

    # the default encoding of template files

    # imports for every template
        # alternative syntax blocks within your Mako templates
        # 'from django_mako_plus import django_syntax, jinja2_syntax, alternate_syntax',

        # the next two lines are just examples of including common imports in templates
        # 'from datetime import datetime',
        # 'import os, os.path, re, json',

    # whether autoescaping of expressions is on or off
    'AUTOESCAPE': True,

    # the converter class to use for parameter conversion
    # this should be ParameterConverter or a subclass of it
    'PARAMETER_CONVERTER': 'django_mako_plus.converter.ParameterConverter',

    # whether to send the custom DMP signals -- set to False for a slight speed-up in router processing
    # determines whether DMP will send its custom signals during the process
    'SIGNALS': False,

    # static file providers (see "static file" docs for full options here)
        # adds JS context - this should normally be listed FIRST
        { 'provider':   'django_mako_plus.JsContextProvider' },

        # Sass compiler and link generator
        # { 'provider':   'django_mako_plus.CompileScssProvider',
        #   'sourcepath': lambda p: os.path.join(, 'styles', p.template_relpath + '.scss'),
        #   'targetpath': lambda p: os.path.join(, 'styles', p.template_relpath + '.scss.css'),
        #   'command':    lambda p: [ shutil.which('sass'), f'--load-path="{BASE_DIR}"', p.sourcepath, p.targetpath ] },
        # { 'provider':   'django_mako_plus.CssLinkProvider',
        #   'filepath':   lambda p: os.path.join(, 'styles', p.template_relpath + '.scss.css') },

        # Less compiler and link generator
        # { 'provider':   'django_mako_plus.CompileLessProvider',
        #   'sourcepath': lambda p: os.path.join(, 'styles', p.template_relpath + '.less'),
        #   'targetpath': lambda p: os.path.join(, 'styles', p.template_relpath + '.less.css'),
        #   'command':    lambda p: [ shutil.which('lessc'), f'--source-map', p.sourcepath, p.targetpath ] },
        # { 'provider':   'django_mako_plus.CssLinkProvider',
        #   'filepath':   lambda p: os.path.join(, 'styles', p.template_relpath + '.less.css') },

        # generic compiler and link generator (see DMP docs, same options as other entries here)
        # { 'provider':   'django_mako_plus.CompileProvider' },
        # { 'provider':   'django_mako_plus.LinkProvider' },

        # link generators for regular JS and CSS: app/scripts/*.js and app/styles/*.css
        { 'provider':   'django_mako_plus.CssLinkProvider' },
        { 'provider':   'django_mako_plus.JsLinkProvider' },

        # link generators for app/scripts/__bundle__.js (webpack bundler)
        # { 'provider':   'django_mako_plus.WebpackJsLinkProvider' },

    # webpack file discovery, used by ` dmp_webpack` to generate __entry__.js files
        # finders for app/scripts/*.js and app/styles/*.css
        { 'provider': 'django_mako_plus.JsLinkProvider' },
        { 'provider': 'django_mako_plus.CssLinkProvider' },

    # additional template dirs to search
        # '/var/somewhere/templates/',


When the url doesn’t contain the app and/or page, such as, DMP uses the default app and page specified in your variables: DEFAULT_APP and DEFAULT_PAGE.

In the following table, the default app is set to homepage and your default page is set to index.html:

URL App Page Notes homepage index.html account index.html login index.html If login is one of your apps homepage login.html If login is not one of your apps account password.html  


The context is the dictionary of variables sent into render(). When the context is created, it is run through several “processors” to add names like STATIC_URL, request, etc.

Read more about context processors in Django’s Template API documentation.


When a template is first rendered, the Mako engine generates a regular Python file out of it. It is this generated Python file that actually runs to create your HTML.

This option sets the directory where these cached, generated files are located. It is relative to the app/templates directory of each app.


DMP and the Mako engine will read your templates using this encoding. Those who are coding their files with something other than utf-8 should understand when and why it might need to be changed.

If you change this setting, be sure to run python3 dmp_cleanup so your cached templates get rebuilt.


Python’s standard libraries must be imported to be used within template code. For example, to use the random module in a template, you’d place something like this at the top:


<%! import random %>

A random number is ${ random.randint(1, 100) }.

To automatically import the random module or any other Python module (including those from your project or installed via pip), add them in the DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_IMPORTS list. When Mako renders your templates, it will include the imports automatically so you don’t have repeat yourself in every template.

If you change this setting, be sure to run python3 dmp_cleanup so your cached templates get rebuilt.


This option sets whether DMP should trigger Django-style signals. See Signals for more information.


This is one of the primary functions of DMP. It sets up autodiscovery of your static files, such as JS and CSS. See Static Files for more information on these options.


This option works in connection with python3 dmp_webpack. See Bundling for more information.


In contrast with Django, DMP templates are closely connected to their apps. If you need to search for templates in additional locations (a.k.a. the Django way), add folder paths to this list. Django will search someapp/templates/ first and then fall back to any directories you list here.