T3: URL Parameters

Django is a little vain about pretty URLs. In keeping with that philosophy, we present URL parameters. You’ve already used the beginning parts of the URL: the first specifies the app, the second specifies the view/template. URL parameters are the third part, fourth part, and so on.

In traditional web links, we specify parameters using key=value pairs, as in /homepage/index?product=144&model=A58UX. That’s not the Django way.

This isn’t just about pretty URLs. It’s functional: DMP automatically converts URL-coded data into view function parameters. Mmmm. Parameter conversion, right out of the box.

What About Django Path Converters?

One of the big changes in Django 2.0 (late 2017) is simplified URLs and path converters. You might be wondering how the two are related. DMP first included automatic parameter conversion in early 2017, and it wasn’t influenced by Django’s design; the two developed separately. DMP’s parameter conversion is different in the following ways:

  • DMP discovers parameters and type hints from your view function signatures; Django uses your patterns in urls.py.
  • Type hints and parameter defaults in DMP are specified the standard Python way. Django uses a custom format.
  • DMP has more built-in converters: DateTime, Decimal, all Django models, etc.
  • Converters in DMP match using isinstance; converters in Django match by regex.

The conversion method in DMP matches well with its goal of convention-over-configuration. Django’s method matches well with its “enumerate all urls” design. You can use both in the same project; DMP apps do it the DMP way, other apps do it the Django way.

At a Glance

Compare the old vs. the new:

This: Becomes This:


  • Longer
  • More difficult to text or email
  • Less search engine friendly
  • A face only a mother could love…


  • Shorter
  • Easier to bookmark and copy
  • More search engine friendly

DMP sends “extra” parameters (411 and A58UX above) to your view function. Just modify your view function signature and drop the mic. In addition, DMP converts values into ints, booleans, and even into Model objects.

URL parameters don’t take the place of form parameters. You’ll still use GET and POST parameters to submit forms. You’ll still use name/value pairs when it makes sense, such as on a search page. URL parameters are best used for object ids and other simple items that pages need to display, such as the product id in the previous example.

A New View Function Signature

Let’s modify homepage/views/index.py to support adjusting the current date by a certain amount of time. We’ll specify the hours, minutes, and direction in the URL:

from django.conf import settings
from django_mako_plus import view_function
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

def process_request(request, hrs, mins, forward='+'):
    delta = timedelta(hours=int(hrs), minutes=int(mins))
    if forward == '+':
        now = datetime.now() + delta
        now = datetime.now() - delta
    context = {
        'now': now,
    return request.dmp.render('index.html', context)

We’ll use the homepage/templates/index.html file we created in previous tutorial parts:

<%inherit file="base.htm" />

<%block name="content">
    <div class="content">
      <p class="server-time">The current server time is ${ now }.</p>

Take your browser to http://localhost:8000/homepage/index/6/30/+. It shows a time 6:30 in the future by evaluating the values in the URL. Try different values to adjust the hours, minutes, and direction.

Since forward has a default value, it can be omitted: http://localhost:8000/homepage/index/6/30.

This first example shows how DMP sends URL parts into view functions. It separates the URL parts by the slash /, and positionally matches them to functions. In this simplest of view function signatures, the parameters are strings.

If you are using multiple decorators on your endpoints, you can save a lot of trouble by checking that your decorators are wrapping correctly.

Automatic Type Converters

DMP can also typecast the values in the URL. The following table shows the built-in types to DMP:

Type Example view.py functions Example URLs Notes
String (default type)
def process_request(request, foo):

def process_request(request, foo=”bar”):

def process_request(request, foo:str):

def process_request(request, foo:str=”bar”):
/homepage/index/hello+world/ No preset empty values on strings; default is only used when parameter is missing (e.g. /homepage/index/)
def process_request(request, foo:int):

def process_request(request, foo:int=13):

def process_request(request, foo:int=”13”):
/homepage/index/42/ “empty” values are ‘’, ‘-‘ (uses default)
def process_request(request, foo:float):

def process_request(request, foo:float=3.14):

def process_request(request, foo:float=”3.14”):
/homepage/index/32.275/ “empty” values are ‘’, ‘-‘ (uses default)
def process_request(request, foo:bool):

def process_request(request, foo:bool=True)

def process_request(request, foo:bool=’t’)
/homepage/index/1/ False values are ‘f’, ‘F’, ‘0’; “empty” values are ‘’, ‘-‘ (uses default); True is anything else
from decimal import Decimal
def process_request(request, foo:Decimal):

from decimal import Decimal
def process_request(request, foo:Decimal=Decimal(‘3.14’)):

from decimal import Decimal
def process_request(request, foo:Decimal=‘3.14’):
/homepage/index/32.275/ “empty” values are ‘’, ‘-‘ (uses default)
from datetime import datetime
def process_request(request, foo:datetime):

from datetime import datetime
def process_request(request, foo:datetime=datetime(1993, 04, 30, 6, 0, 0)):

from datetime import datetime
def process_request(request, foo:datetime=‘1993-04-30+06:00:00’):
/homepage/index/1993-04-30+06:00:00/ Uses formats listed in DATETIME_INPUT_FORMATS from settings.py; “empty” values are ‘’, ‘-‘ (uses default)
from datetime import date
def process_request(request, foo:date):

from datetime import date
def process_request(request, foo:date=date(1983, 1, 1)):

from datetime import date
def process_request(request, foo:date=‘1983-01-01’):
/homepage/index/1983-01-01/ Uses formats listed in DATE_INPUT_FORMATS from settings.py “empty” values are ‘’, ‘-‘ (uses default)
All model.Model subclasses (see below)
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
def process_request(request, user:User):

from polls.models import Question
def process_request(request, question:Question):

from polls.models import Choice
def process_request(request, choice:Choice=None):
/homepage/index/5/ Value is the id of the model object; Http404 raised if not found; “empty” values are ‘’, ‘-‘, ‘0’ (uses default)

Adding Type Hints

In your example code, add the following type hints to your process_request function, and remove the typecasting calls:

from django.conf import settings
from django_mako_plus import view_function
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

def process_request(request, hrs:int, mins:int, forward:bool=True):
    delta = timedelta(hours=hrs, minutes=mins)
    if forward:
        now = datetime.now() + delta
        now = datetime.now() - delta
    context = {
        'now': now,
    return request.dmp.render('index.html', context)

DMP casts the parameters by inspecting the method signature of process_request which specifies the parameter name, a color, and the type. If a conversion error occurs, the default converter raises Http404. All of this is configurable and extensible (read on).

Automatic Model Conversion

DMP converts all of the Model classes in your project. Suppose we have an model called storefront.Purchase. If we list this type as the type hint, DMP will pull the object from the database automatically:

from django_mako_plus import view_function
from storefront.models import Purchase

def process_request(request, purchase:Purchase):
    # the `purchase` variable has already been pulled from the database

In the above code, one of two outcomes will occur:

  • If a Purchase record with primary key 1501 exists in the database, Purchase.objects.get(id=...) is called automatically, and the purchase is sent into the view function.
  • If it doesn’t exist, DMP raises Http404.

For More Information

There’s lots more to discover at the pages on conversion.